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Просмотр запроса № 41175

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Добрый день, Уважаемые коллеги! Прошу вас подобрать литературу (с возможность работать с ней посредством интернета) из англо-, франко-, немецко язычных источников по теме: "Самообразование библиотечных специалистов в цифровом пространстве". Спасибо за помощь!
Ответ: Здравствуйте. Предлагаем литературу по Вашей теме (источники – БД РГБ «eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)», «Scopus», «Base», «Emerald Library Studies & Management», «Google Scholar»).
1. Benjes-Smal C. The New Instruction Librarian: A Workbook for Trainers and Learners / C. Benjes-Small, R. К. Miller. – Chicago : ALA Editions, 2017. – 256 p. – Электронная копия доступна авторизированным пользователям РГБ. URL: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,sso&db=nlebk&AN=1469007&lang=ru&site=eds-live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_C (дата обращения: 12.12.2022).
The sheer amount of resources on the subject of information literacy is staggering. Yet a comprehensive but concise roadmap specifically for librarians who are new to instruction, or who are charged with training someone who is, has remained elusive. Until now. This book cuts through the jargon and rhetoric to ease the transition into library instruction, offering support to all those involved, including library supervisors, colleagues, and trainees. Grounded in research on teaching and learning from numerous disciplines, not just library literature, this book shows how to set up new instruction librarians for success, with advice on completing an environmental scan, strategies for recruiting efficiently, and a training checklist; walks readers step by step through training a new hire or someone new to instruction, complete with hands-on activities and examples; explores the different roles an instruction librarian is usually expected to play, such as educator, project manager, instructional designer, and teaching partner; demonstrates the importance of performance evaluation and management, including assessment and continuing education, both formal and informal; and provides guided reading lists for further in-depth study of a topic. A starter kit for librarians new to instruction, this resource will be useful for training coordinators as well as for self-training.
2. Goben A. Research Data Management Self-Education for Librarians: A Webliography / A. Goben, R. Raszewski // Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. – 2015. – N 82. – Электронная копия доступна авторизированным пользователям РГБ. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5062/F4348HCK (дата обращения: 12.12.2022).
As data as a scholarly object continues to grow in importance in the research community, librarians are undertaking increasing responsibilities regarding data management and curation. New library initiatives include assisting researchers in finding data sets for reuse; locating and hosting repositories for required archiving; consultations on workflow, data management plans, and best practices; responding to changing funder policies (Whitmire, et al. 2015) and development of department or institutional policies. Librarians looking to provide services or expand into these areas will need both foundational resources and information about engaging the network of librarians exploring data. This webliography is intended for librarians seeking to enhance their own knowledge and assist peers in improving their data management awareness.
3. Holst R. Partnering for Education and Career Development of Librarians and Information Specialists // Studies in health technology and informatics. – 2021. – Vol. 288. – P. 223-232. – Электронная копия доступна авторизированным пользователям РГБ. URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85124056015&origin=inward&txGid=b08106ddb0ef0f829852644c3e03b215 (дата обращения: 12.12.2022).
Donald A.B. Lindberg M.D. was a strong proponent of self-improvement for all professions. He believed it was imperative for health sciences librarians to embrace lifelong learning as the Internet and networked information radically changed their work and opened new opportunities to increase their scope and impact. During Dr. Lindberg's 1984-2015 tenure as its Director, the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) became an even more dominant influence on education and career development of health sciences librarians. This chapter focuses on the way NLM partnered with other institutions and organizations to ensure that education and training were consistently part of the roll-out of new NLM programs and services as they were implemented.
4. Jordan M. The self-education of systems librarians // Library Hi Tech. – 2003. – N 21 (3). – P. 273-279. – Электронная копия доступна авторизированным пользователям РГБ. URL: https://summit.sfu.ca/_flysystem/fedora/sfu_migrate/427/self-education-systems-librarians.pdf (дата обращения: 12.12.2022).
This article outlines the common duties and responsibilities of systems librarians, and describes how library school students and others interested in entering the field can take advantage of freely available tools to gain relevant experience. It discusses attitudes and traits of systems librarians and their importance to potential and practicing systems librarians. It also lists and describes technologies that people entering systems librarianship can use to gain experience.
5. Qutab S. Role of virtual communities of practice (VCoP) in continuous professional development of librarians: a case of Yahoo mailing group from Pakistan / S. Qutab, A. Iqbal, F. S. Ullah, N. Siddique, M. A. Khan // Library Management. – 2022. – Vol. 43, Issue 5. – P. 317-333. – Электронная копия доступна авторизированным пользователям РГБ. URL: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/10.1108/LM-02-2021-0017 (дата обращения: 12.12.2022).
PurposeVirtual communities of practice (VCoP) are becoming increasingly popular as professional networking. These communities support and shape professional development, especially in countries with limited opportunities and constrain like time and distance. This study throws light on the role of VCoP and its impact on the continuous professional development (CPD) of librarians in Pakistan.Design/methodology/approachThis study is carried out with qualitative research methods to understand effects of VCoP on CPD. With a thematic content analysis on the email conversations of a library and information science (LIS) Yahoo mailing group “plagpk”, the impact of virtual communities (VCs) on librarians' professional development in Pakistan over the past 20 years was analyzed.FindingsThis study demonstrates that VCs contribute to professional learning, problem-solving, knowledge creation, professional awareness and identity creation in the LIS field. Further, this study contributes a model to explain the formal and informal professional development for individuals and groups through VCoP engagement.Social implicationsIt is hoped that this study will help the librarian community create, get involved in the VCoP for personal, professional development consciously and create an impact in the profession. The finding of this study is generalizable to any social sciences or humanities professionals VCoPs.Originality/valueThis is one of the first studies in the LIS field to analysis the impact of VCs on the professional development of the librarians.
6. Schultz-Jones B.A. Global Action on School Library Education and Training / B. A. Schultz-Jones, D. Oberg. – Berlin : De Gruyter Saur, 2019. – 178 p. – (IFLA Publications, Volume 178). – Электронная копия доступна авторизованным пользователям РГБ. URL: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,sso&db=nlebk&AN=1949459&lang=ru&site=eds-live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_Cover (дата обращения: 12.12.2022).
This book illuminates school librarian and teacher librarian education and training in light of the 2015 IFLA School Library Guidelines, second edition. The Guidelines provide a framework for effective service delivery to ensure that students and teachers have access to quality library services delivered by qualified librarians and information professionals. The book focuses on moving professional practice forward, translating the Guidelines into actions ensuring effective education and training and improved practice. The book highlights issues and concerns related to school librarian and teacher librarian education and training. What attitudes, skills and knowledge are required to inspire students and support teaching and learning effectively? What curriculum content is required? How are field and practical experiences integrated appropriately into face-to-face and online educational and training programmes? How are leadership skills developed effectively? Case studies and innovative educational and training programmes from around the world illustrate the diverse ways of preparing librarians for the roles identified in the Guidelines. Topics covered include: delivering school librarian credentialled programmes; improving school librarian services; providing professional development; preparing and delivering educational and/or cultural programmes and services; managing human resources; collection development of digital and print resources; innovative aspects of technology use; promotion and advocacy; and evaluation and assessment.
7. Smallwood C. Continuing Education for Librarians: Essays on Career Improvement Through Classes, Workshops, Conferences and More / C. Smallwood, K. Harrod, V. Gubnitskaia. – Jefferson, North Caroloina : McFarland, 2013. – 216 p. – Электронная копия доступна авторизированным пользователям РГБ. URL: https://books.google.ru/books?hl=ru&lr=&id=Tgv39b2QiesC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Continuing+Education+for+Librarians+:+Essays+on+Career+Improvement+Through+Classes,+Workshops,+Conferences+and+More&ots=rI-JdOh-5j&sig=x2vo6dBiW8oysMC4Y6q5EOnBv8E&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Continuing%20Education%20for%20Librarians%20%3A%20Essays%20on%20Career%20Improvement%20Through%20Classes%2C%20Workshops%2C%20Conferences%20and%20More&f=false (дата обращения: 12.12.2022).
It is an exciting time to be a librarian. Advances in technology have let libraries expand far beyond walls and lead the way in information delivery, while transforming the physical library into a place where customers can connect to information in new ways. It is also a challenging time to be a librarian. With continual change as the new normal, staying current can seem overwhelming. Even as they face budget shortfalls and staff reductions, librarians are tasked with finding the time and resources to keep abreast of rapid changes. This book offers a cornucopia of practical advice about how to acquire new skills (and formal and informal credentials) through all stages of a career. The 27 essays cover formal and online education, conferences, fellowships, workshops, networking, teaching, mentoring, balancing personal with professional lives, and money matters--and are filled with practical, honest and real-world advice.
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