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Просмотр запроса № 19857

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Здравствуйте!Очень нужны зарубежные пособия(зарубежная литература)по межкультурной коммуникации, на английском языке в ЭЛЕКТРОННОМ виде зарубежных специалистов по межкультурной коммуникации.Заранее спасибо!!!
Ответ: Здравствуйте! Предлагаем список литературы по Вашей теме (источник: поисковая система Google).

1. Allwood J. Intercultural Communication [Electronic resource] // The Immigrant Institute : [site]. - Goeteborg, 1985. - URL : http://immi.se/eiw/texts/Intercultural_Communication_-_Jens_Allwood.pdf (13.05.14)

2. Dadfar H. Intercultural Communication. Theorie and Practice [Electronic resource] // Linköping University : [site]. - Linkoeping, 2001. - URL : http://www.iei.liu.se/indek/utbildning/industriellmarknadsforing/teim03/filer2013/1.518694/Compendia.pdf (13.05.14)

3. Jensen I. The Practice of Intercultural Communication [Electronic resource] // Roskilde University Digital Archive : [site]. - Roskilde, [w. y.]. - URL : http://rudar.ruc.dk/bitstream/1800/229/1/jensen-practice.pdf (13.05.14)

4. Holliday A. Intercultural Communication [Electronic resource] / A. Holliday, M. Hyde, J. Kullman // Earlham College : [site]. - London, N.Y., [w. y.]. - URL : http://legacy.earlham.edu/~chriss/ConflictRes/pdf%20files/KullmanInterculturalCommunication_p6_p35.pdf (13.05.14)

5. Holmes S. Intercltural Communication and Dialogue Competence: An Attempt at Synthesis

Through useful “Fictions” / S. Holmes. [Electronic resource] // Center for Intercultural Dialogue : [site]. – Heidelberg, 2005. - URL: http://centerforinterculturaldialogue.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/interculturalcommunication-competencies-study-material.pdf (13.05.14)

6. Neuliep J. W. Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach / J.W. Neuliep. - ThousandOaks : Sage, 2011. - 488 p. ; Chapter 1 [Electronic resource]. - URL :

http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/11824_Chapter1.pdf (13.05.14)

7. Pinto D. Intercultural Communication: A Three-step Method for Dealing with Differences / D. Pinto. – Leuven : Garant, 2000. - 217 p. ; Fragment of Book [Electronic resource]. – URL : (http://books.google.ru/books?id=Mmv86FzzBhIC&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=9.%09Pinto+D.+Intercultural+Communication:+A+Three-step+Method+for+Dealing+with+Differences+/+D.+Pinto.+%E2%80%93+Garant,+2000.&source=bl&ots=qx3Cy9pOBj&sig=Zj6dE4hEWU39uA4IuO925R1FTtA&hl=ru&sa=X&ei=S7RwU6jyM6GTywOH54DwBQ&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=9.%09Pinto%20D.%20Intercultural%20Communication%3A%20A%20Three-step%20Method%20for%20Dealing%20with%20Differences%20%2F%20D.%20Pinto.%20%E2%80%93%20Garant%2C%202000.&f=false) (12.05.14).

8. Praxmarer P. Intercultural (Communication) Competence. Script & Study materials [Electronic resource] // Center for Intercultural Dialogue : [site]. - Lugano, [w. y.]. - URL : http://centerforinterculturaldialogue.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/intercultural-communication-competencies-study-material.pdf (13.05.14)

9. Samovar L. A. Intercultural Communication: A Reader / L. A. Samovar, R E. Porter. - Belmont: Wadsworth, 1994. - 452 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL : http://books.google.ru/books?id=xt7KAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT255&lpg=PT255&dq=.+Samovar+L.+A.+Intercultural+communication:+A+reader&source=bl&ots=K0VHPp3O6y&sig=npvFm9RLnfZyHQIz48tKv3aPhRg&hl=ru&sa=X&ei=SL5wU8eFBtTwygOeqYCwBg&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false (12.05.14).

10. Scannavini K. The Necessity of Intercultural Communication for a Peaceful World [Electronic resource] // Academicus International Scientific Journal : [site]. - Rome, [w. y.]. - URL : http://www.academicus.edu.al/nr8/Academicus-MMXIII-8-172-188.pdf (13.05.14)
[Тверская областная универсальная научная библиотека им. А.М. Горького]