Здравствуйте. Предлагаем краткий список литературы (источник – ЭК Рос. гос. б-ки, ЭК Рос. нац. б-ки, ЭК Всерос. б-ки иностр. лит. им. М.И.Рудомино, ЭК б-ки Конгресса США, ЭК Британ. б-ки, ИПС Яндекс, ГУГЛ)
1. Tolstoy L. Childhood and Youth / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by Malwida von Meysenbug. - London : Bell and Daldy, [w.y.]. - 270 p.
2. Tolstoy L. Childhood, Boyhood and Youth / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by Louise and Aylmer Maude ; with an introduction Aylmer Maude. – London : Oxford University Press, 1852.
3. Tolstoy L. Childhood, boyhood, youth / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by Isabel F. Hapgood, J. Will, C.J. Hogarth. - New York : T.Y. Crowell & co, 1886. – 381 p.
4. Tolstoy L. Childhood, Boyhood, Youth / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. with an introduction C. J. Hogarth. - London : J.M. Dent ; New York : E.P. Dutton, 1912. – 314. (https://archive.org/details/childhoodboyhood17tols/page/n7/mode/1up)
5. Tolstoy L. Childhood / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by C.J. Hogarth. Reprinted. - London : J.M. Dent ; New York : E.P. Dutton, 1917. – 314 p.
6. Tolstoy L. Childhood, Boyhood and Youth / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude, Louise; Maude, Aylmer. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1930. - 404 p.
7. Tolstoy L. Childhood, Adolescence, Youth / Lev Tolstoy ; transl., introduction by Rosemary Edmonds ; Fig. on the cover: a fragment of a lithograph of Moscow in the 19th century ; еd. by Betty Redis and Robert Baldig. - London : Penguin Books, 1964. - 320 p.
8. Tolstoy L. Childhood, Adolescence, Youth / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by Isabel F. Hapgood, Will Jonson, C. J. Hogarth. - Boston : Dutton [E. P. Dutton & Co.], 1977. – 314 p.
9. Tolstoy L. Childhood. Adolescence. Youth / Lev Tolstoy; transl. by Fainna Solasko ; ill. Dmitry Kardovsky. – Moscow : Progrеs, cop. 1981. - 456 p.; ill., facs., portr., front. portr. (https://archive.org/details/childhood-adolescence-youth/page/n5/mode/1up)
10. Tolstoy L. Childhood. Adolescence. Youth : Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by Fainna Solasko ; ill. Dmitry Kardovsky. – Moscow : Progrеs, cop. 1988. - 456 p.; ill., facs., portr., front. portr.
11. Tolstoy L. Childhood, adolescence, youth / Lev Tolstoy ; ed., transl., introduction Judson Rosenkrantz. - London : Penguin Books, 2012. – 336 p.
12. Tolstoy L. The Boyhood : a novel / Lev Tolstoy ; transl. by Dora O'Brien. - Richmond, London : Alma Books, 2016. - 374 p. - Oneworld Classics. (https://archive.org/details/childhoodboyhood0000tols_t6m5)
13. Tolstoy L. Childhood, boyhood and youth / Leo Tolstoy ; translated, with an introduction, by Michael Scammell. - New York : Modern Library, 2002. - xxiv, 420 p.
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