Здравствуйте. В открытом доступе данные о частоте выпуска изданий не найдены. Предлагаем краткий список литературы (источник – ЭК Рос. гос. б-ки, ЭК б-ки Конгресса США, ЭК Британской б-ки)
1. Tolstoy L. Hadji Murad and other stories / вy L. Tolstoy ; ed. by С. Charberg Wright. - Dublin ; Edinburgh ; London : Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1912. - 370 p., front., ill. (https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.93310/page/n5/mode/1up )
2. Tolstoy L. Ivvn Ilych and Hadji Murad / вy L. Tolstoy. - London : Oxford university press ; Humphrey Milford for the, Milford, 1934.
3. Tolstoy L. Hadji Murat : a Tale of the Caucasus / 1st reprint edition. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 1965. – 196 p.
4. Tolstoy L. Hadji Murad / Leo Tolstoy ; with an Introduction by John Burt Foster Jr. - Washington : Оrchises, 1996. – 136 p.
5. Tolstoy L. Hadji Murat / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Aplin, Hugh A. - London : Hesperus Classics, 2003. - xv, 130 p.
6 Tolstoy L. Hadji Murad / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Aylmer Maude. - New York : Cosimo Classics, 2006.
7. Tolstoy L. Ivan Ilych and Hadji Murad / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude, Louise ; with an Introduction by Maude Aylmer. – London : Oxford University Press ; Humphrey Milford for the Tolstoy Society, 2008. - 432 p.
8. Tolstoy L. Hadji Murаd / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by FitzLyon, Kyril (Зиновьев) ; trans. Hughes, Jenny. - Richmond : Oneworld Classics, 2012. - 212 p. : ill., 1 map.
9. Tolstoy L. Hadji Murat / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky. - New York : Vintage Classics Paperback, 2012. – 144 p.
10 Tolstoy L. Hadji Murat / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Kyrill Zinovieff and Jenny Hughes. – London : Alma Books, 2015. – 219 р.
(https://www.google.ru/books/edition/Hadji_Murat/d3djDwAAQBAJ?hl=ru&gbpv=1 )
11. Tolstoy L. The Cossacks. Hadji Murat / Tolstoy Leo ; trans. by Foote I. P. (Irwin Paul) ; trans. by McDuff David. – London : Penguin Books, 2016. – 399 p.
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[Саратовская областная универсальная научная библиотека]