Здравствуйте. Количество изданий велико. Предлагаем краткий список литературы (источники – ЭК Рос. гос. б-ки, ЭК Рос. нац. б-ки, ИПС Яндекс)
1. Tolstoj L.N. A talk among leisured people / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude, Louise and Maude Aylmer. - Oxford University Press, 1935.
2. Tolstoj L.N. A reply to the synod's edict from 20-22.02.1901 / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Chandler, Robert. - London : William Collins, 1987.
3. Tolstoy on Shakespeare : a Critical Essay on Shakespeare / by Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Howard Crosby, George Bernard Shaw и V.G. Chertkov. - Franklin, NC : Franklin Classics Trade Press, 2018. – 194 p.
4. Tolstoy on Shakespeare / by Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Howard Crosby, George Bernard Shaw, V.G. Chertkov. - New York : Free Age Press ; Everett & Co edition, 1907. – 120 р.
5. Tolstoj L.N. The kingdom of god is within you : the Treatise / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Chandler, Robert. - London : Collins & Harvill (Collins Harvill Press), 1987.
6. Tolstoj L.N. The kingdom of God is within you / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Aylmer Maude. – Oxford : Oxford University Press & Humphrey Milford, 1935
7. Tolstoj L.N. What is religion? And other new articles and letters / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by V. Chertkov and Fifield. - New York : T.Y. Crowell & company, 1902. - 177 p. (https://archive.org/search.php?query=date:1902)
Содерж.: Что такое религия? (1902) — О религиозной терпимости (1902) — Заметки для офицеров (1901) — Заметки для солдат (1901) — Истинная критика (1901) — Единственное средство (1901) — Мой ответ синоду (1901) — Не убий (1900) Перевод миссис Мод. — Как нам спастись? (1898) Перевод миссис Н. и А.К.Ф. — Последние личные и другие письма.
8. Tolstoj L.N. What is Religion and other new articles & letters / Tolstoy Leo ; transl. by V. Tchertkoff and A. Fifield. – Christchurch (Hants) : The Free Age Press, 1902. – 179 p.
Содерж.: What is religion-On religions tolerance-Notes for officers-Notes for soldiers-True critisicm-The only means-My reply to the Synod-Thou shall not kill /Transl.by Mrs Maude-How shall we escape /transl.by Mrs.B.&A.F.-Recent personal letters.
9. Tolstoj L.N. What I believe : the Treatise / transl. by Maude Aylmer. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1921.
10. Tolstoj L.N. What is art? and Essays on art : Reprint / by Tolstoy ; transl. by Aylmer Maude. - London : Oxford university press, 1938. - XVIII, 339 p. - (The World's classics; 331).
11. Tolstoj L.N. What is art? / Leo N. Tolstoy ; transl. from the Russ. original by Aylmer Maude ; With an introd. by Vincent Tomas. - New York : Liberal arts press, 1960. - XVIII, 213 p. - (The Library of liberal arts / Oskar Piest, general ed. ; N 51).
12. Tolstoj L.N. What is art? / by Leo Tolstoy ; transl. from the Russ. orig. by Aylmer Maude. - Republ. - St. Clair Shores (Mich.) : Scholarly press, 1979. - XVI, 237 p.
13. Tolstoj L.N. What is religion, and what does its essence consist of? : article / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Briggs, Anthony. - London : Hesperus Press Ltd, 2010.
14. Tolstoj L.N. What I believe : the Treatise / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Chandler, Robert. - London : William Collins, 1987.
15. Tolstoj L.N. A Confession and Other Religious Writings / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Jane Kentish. - London : Penguin Publishing Group, 1988. – 240 p.
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