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Здрайствуйте. Помогите пожалуйста найти "примеры украинских реалий в англо-язычном публицистическому дискурсе"
Ответ: Здравствуйте. Предлагаем Вам следующие издания (источник: ЭБД «Taylor &Francis Group»):

1. Burds J. Ethnic Conflict and Minority Refugee Flight from Post-Soviet Ukraine, 1991–2001 // The International Journal of Human Rights. – 2008. - Vol. 12, N 5. – P. 689–723.

2. Corrado S. Communities of the Converted: Ukrainians and Global Evangelism // Religion, State and Society. – 2009. – Vol. 37, N 3. – P. 330–333.

3. Dyczok M. Was Kuchma's censorship effective? Mass media in Ukraine before 2004 // Europe-Asia Studies. - 2006. – Vol. 58, N 2. – P. 215–238.

4. Fischer L. Whither pogromshchina – historiographical synthesis or deconstruction? // East European Jewish Affairs. – 2008. – Vol. 38, N 3. – P. 303–320.

5. Karasik V. From Odessa to Odessa: Russian-Jewish Periodicals of Ukraine, 1860–2000 // Slavic & East European Information Resources. - 2003. - Vol. 4, N 2. – P. 119–150.

6. Klid B. Rock, Pop and Politics in Ukraine's 2004 Presidential Campaign and Orange Revolution // Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. - 2007. – Vol. 23, N 1. – P. 118–137.

7. Kulyk V. Constructing common sense: Language and ethnicity in Ukrainian public discourse // Ethnic and Racial Studies. – 2006. – Vol. 29, N 2. – P. 281–314.

8. Kuzio T. Nation building, history writing and competition over the legacy of kyiv rus in Ukraine // Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity. – 2005. – Vol. 33, N 1. – P. 29–58.

9. Osipian A.L. Corruption in the politicized university: lessons for Ukraine's 2010 presidential elections // Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. – 2010. – Vol. 23, N 2. – P. 101–114.

10. Polese A. Odessa and Lvov or Odesa and Lviv: How Important is a Letter? Reflections on the “Other” in Two Ukrainian Cities / A. Polese, A. Wylegala // Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity. – 2008. – Vol. 36, N 5. – P. 787–814.

11. Roth M. EU-Ukraine relations after the orange revolution: The role of the new member states // Perspectives on European Politics and Society. – 2007. – Vol. 8, N 4. – P. 505–527.

12. Rudling P.A. Historical representation of the wartime accounts of the activities of the OUN–UPA (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists—Ukrainian Insurgent Army) // East European Jewish Affairs. – 2006. - Vol. 36, N 2. – P. 163–189.

13. Sanders D. Ukraine's Military Reform: Building a Paradigm Army // The Journal of Slavic Military Studies. – 2008. – Vol. 21, N 4. – P. 599–614.

14. Stern J. Natural gas security problems in Europe: the Russian–Ukrainian crisis of 2006 // Asia-Pacific Review. – 2006. – Vol. 13, N 1. – P. 32–59.

15. Uehling G. The first independent Ukrainian census in Crimea: Myths, miscoding, and missed opportunities // Ethnic and Racial Studies. – 2004. – Vol. 27, N 1. – P. 149–170.

16. White S. Rethinking the ‘Orange Revolution’ // S. White, I. McAllister // Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 2009. – Vol. 25, N 2. – P. 227–254.
[Мурманская государственная областная универсальная научная библиотека]