Здравствуйте. В открытом доступе данные о частоте выпуска изданий не найдены. В каталогах книги из списка не отмечены. Предлагаем краткий список литературы (источник – ИПС Яндекс)
1. Tolstoy L. God sees the truth, but waits / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude, Louise and Maude Aylmer. – London : Henry Frowde, 1906.
2. Tolstoy L. Evil allures, but good endures / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude, Louise and Maude Aylmer. – London : Henry Frowde, 1906.
3. Tolstoy L. Where love is, God is / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude, Louise and Maude Aylmer. – London : Henry Frowde, 1906.
4. Tolstoy L. God's way and Man's / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude, Louise and Maude Aylmer. – London : Constable, 1911.
5. Tolstoy L. The devil / : the story / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude Aylmer. – New York : Harper & brothers, 1926.
6. Tolstoy L. Two hussars : the story / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Maude Aylmer. – London : Collins & Harvill (Collins Harvill Press), 1927.
7. Tolstoy L. The devil : the story / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Zinoviev (Fitzlayon), Kirill; Fitzlayon April. – London : Quartet Books, 1984.
8. Tolstoy L. The devil : the story / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by McDuff, David. – London : Penguin Books, 1985.
9. Tolstoy L. Two hussars : the story / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Wilkes, Ronald. – London : Penguin Books, 1993.
10. Tolstoy L. Where love is, God is : the story / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Wilkes, Ronald. – London : Penguin Books, 1993.
11. Tolstoy L. The Big Dipper / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Sekirin, Peter. – London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1999.
12. Tolstoy L. The Son of a thief / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Sekirin, Peter. – London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1999.
13. Tolstoy L. Divine and human and other stories / Leo Tolstoy ; introduction, transl. compilation transl. by Peter Sekirin ; (Peter Tolstoy). – London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. – 208 р.
14. Tolstoy L. Divine and human / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Sekirin, Peter. – London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1999.
Tolstoy L. The devil : the story / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Haplin (Aplin), Hugh. – London : Hesperus Press, 2005.
15. Tolstoy L. God sees the truth, but waits / Leo Tolstoy ; transl. by Foote, Irwin Paul. – London : Penguin Books, 2005.
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