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есть ли перевод на английский язык стихотворение "Прозаседавшиеся" Маяковского В.В.
Ответ: Здравствуйте! Стихотворение В. Маяковского было перведено и опубликовано в книге:
Маяковский В.В. Избранные произведения : на англ. яз. / пер. В. Шестакова. – М. : Радуга, 1985. – Т. 1. – С. 84-85.
Translated by Dorian Rottenberg
Scarce night's transformed into dawn,
with the same daily sight I'm beset:
folks go forth to their offices-each to his own:
to glav,
to com,
to polit,
to prosvet.
Barely passing the establishment porter,
they're piled with papers like snow;
selecting some fifty—
the most important! —
to conference
people go.
You peep in:
"Couldn't So-and-So see me,
I've been coming here God knows how long...' "Comrade Van Vanich's gone off to confer
on a merger of Theo and Gukon! "
The umptieth staircase.
You're done for, you think.
Yet again:
"You're to come in an hour."
"They're in conference:
the purchase of a bottle of ink
for the district cooperative association."
In an hour:
neither secretary
nor clerk!
Great hell!
All under 22-
blonde or dark—
at a conference of the YCL.
Again, perspiring, already towards dusk
to the top of the seven-storey building I come.
"Has Van Vanich arrived?" I ask.
"No—in session
at the a-b-c-d-e-f-com."
like an avalanche in full might,
I tear in,
wildly cursing.
Only halves of people in sight! "Where are they,"
I holler,
"the halves that are missing? Murder!
" I rush about, roaring.
Horrendous, the picture's driving me nuts. Then I hear the secretary's
calmest voice: "Sorry,
they're attending two conferences at once.
At ten sessions daily
we have to appear,
so willy-nilly,
in half we tear-
down to the waist
we're here,
and the rest of us—
The shock brings insomnia.
Yawning and yearning.
I meet the dawn with a dream of bliss:
Oh, for just one more decisive conference,
the abolishment of all conferences!
[Государственная научная областная библиотека Кузбасса им В. Д. Фёдорова]
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