Здравствуйте. Полные тексты монографий на английском языке в Интернете найти не удалось. Предлагаем краткий список литературы (источник – БД ИНИОН РАН «Государство и право»):
1. Abuses within the Mexican political regulatory and judicial systems and implications for the North American free trade agreement (NAFTA): Hearing before the Comm. on banking, finance a. urban affairs, House of representatives, 103d Congr., 1st sess., Nov. 8, 1993. - Wash.: Gov. print. off., 1994. - III, 384 p.
2. Barak A. Judicial discretion / Barak A. ; Transl. from the Hebrew by Kaufmann Y. - New Haven ; L.: Yale univ. press, 1989. - XIV, 270 p. - Ind.: p. 267-270.
3. Damaska M.R. The faces of justice and state authority: A comparative approach to the legal process. - New Haven; L.: Yale univ. press, 1986. - XI, 247 p.
4. Fraud, waste and abuse in government: Causes, consequences a.cures / Ed. by McKinney J.B., Johnston M. - Philadelphia: ISHI publ., 1986 . - XII, 159 p.
5. Galligan B. Politics of the High Court: A study of the Judicial branch of government in Australia / Galligan B. - St. Lucia etc.: Univ. of Queensland press, 1987. - XII,333 p.
6. Lasser W. The limits of judicial power: The Supreme court in Amer. politics / Lasser W. - Chapel Hill; L.: Univ. of North Carolina press, 1988. - XI, 354 p. - Bibliogr. : p. 312-335. Ind. : p. 337-354.
[Свердловская областная универсальная научная библиотека им. В.Г. Белинского]