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Работаете ли Вы с литературой на английском языке, если да, то помогите, пожалуйста, найти такую литературу на тему "развод родителей и его влияние на подростков"
Ответ: Здравствуйте. Предлагаем по Вашей теме следующую литературу (источники – ЭК ТОНБ, ЭК РГБ, ЭК РНБ; ИПС Google):

1. Ahrons C. R. We're still family : what grown children have to say about their parents' divorce : [surprising results from a two-decade landmark study] / Constance Ahrons. - New York : HarperCollins, 2004. - XIX, 281, [1] p.

2. Blakeslee S. Second chances : men, women and children a decade after divorce / S. Blakeslee, Judith S. Wallerstein. - New York : Ticknor & fields, 1989. - XXI, 329 p.

3. Divorce and the next generation : effects on young adults' patterns of intimacy and expectations for marriage / Craig Everett ed. – New York : Routledge, 2014. – 216 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://books.google.ru/books?id=psfKAgAAQBAJ&hl=ru&source=gbs_similarbooks (05.06.2019).

4. The effects of divorce on a teen [Electronic resource] // Outback Therapeutic Expeditions : [the site]. – [S. l.], 2019. - URL: https://www.outbacktreatment.com/effects-divorce-teen/ (05.06.2019).

5. Furstenberg F. F. Divided families : what happens to children when parents part / Frank F. Furstenberg Jr., Andrew J. Cherlin. - Cambridge (Mass.) ; London : Harvard univ. press, 1991. - VIII, 142 p. - (The Family and public policy). - Библиогр. в примеч.: с. 121-137. - Указ.: с. 139-142.

6. Gardner R. A. The parents’ book about divorce / Richard A. Gardner. - New York : Doubleday, 1977. - 368 c. - Указат.: c. 358-368.

7. Goldstein S. Divorced parenting : how to make it work / Sol Goldstein. - Toronto : McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1982. - 192 p.

8. Lee C. M. Children’s reactions to parental separation and divorce / Catherine M. Lee, Karen A. Bax // Paediatr Child Health. - 2000. - N 5 (4). - P. 217–218 ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2817796/ (05.06.2019).

9. MacGregor C. The divorce helpbook for teens / C. MacGregor. - Atascadero : Impact Publishers, 2004. – 134 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://books.google.ru/books/about/The_Divorce_Helpbook_for_Teens.html?id=p306NlvG3GAC&redir_esc=y (05.06.2019).

10. Morin A. The psychological effects of divorce on children [Electronic resource] // Verywell family : [the site]. – [S. l.], 2019. - URL: https://www.verywellfamily.com/psychological-effects-of-divorce-on-kids-4140170 (05.06.2019).

11. Pickhardt C. E. How parental divorce can impact adolescence now and later [Electronic resource] // Psychology today : [the site]. – [S. l.], 2019. - URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/surviving-your-childs-adolescence/201511/how-parental-divorce-can-impact-adolescence-now-and (05.06.2019).

12. Spigelman A. Effects of parental divorce on children's personality development / Ami Spigelman, Gabriella Spigelman. - Lund, 1991. - 306 p.

13. Trafford A. Crazy time : surviving divorce and building a new life / Abigail Trafford. – Revised ed. - New York : Harper Perennial, 1993. - 288 с. - Библиогр.: с. 273-275. - Указ.: с. 277-288.

14. Zeratsion H. Does parental divorce increase risk behaviors among 15/16 and 18/19 year-old adolescents? A study from Oslo, Norway / H. Zeratsion [a. o.] // Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health. – 2014. – Vol. 10. – P. 29–66 ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4085585/ (05.06.2019).
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